Supporting NowackHoward to Build Brand Reputation

I have begun to work with NowackHoward, the premiere HOA law firm, in Georgia. While the firm has an incredible pedigree and has been principle in drafting many of our HOA laws, they still struggle with expanding their reputation outside professional circles.

Their client base is, primarily, homeowner adnd condominium association boards. These boards are often made of up the local homeowners who are not enmeshed in the legal world. More than anything, boards need clear, actionable insights to prevent issues before they arise. Though there are always recourse for a problem, the firm’s culture is grounded in preventative counsel.

In cooperation with AIS Media, I will be helping them curate and expand their reputation through brand development and social media. This comes at a time when boards are particularly stressed over the implementation of Covid-19 regulations, both mandatory and voluntary.

Reputation is a long-game, though. It takes time, repetition and patience. Amplifying a good brand is one of the things I enjoy most.

Eric Berrios