The SEO Struggle is Real and It is Petty!

Look… I don’t get nasty quickly, but when another meadery started running a campaign as the “Best Mead in Georgia” it raised my hackles. Because, my client has the best mead in Georgia, and we have awards to prove it! So, the campaign to change the conversation began. Weapon of choice? SquareSpace website and social media.

We had been running a SquareSpace site for about a year, and I had only modest results on SEO. And that’s when I started digging into all the tools the platform offers. And, from experience working with brilliant SEO professionals, I knew we had to build up our authority as the “Best.” What I learned was that SquareSpace is wildly thorough. The platform allows for customization and detail with no need for technical knowledge. Basically, “fill this hole in, stupid.” So, I went back and filled in all the holes with a preference on terms using “Best in Georgia.”

In addition to the site optimization and additional content, we also issued our own press release which, is surprisingly rare in the craft business. After that, we went on to boost social media posts covering the award winning mead and featuring the press release, links to the site and images.

About a month later, the site is trending high on the first page for searches and claiming the first position for “Georgia’s best mead.” A big victory for a tiny brewery with zero budget.

Why am I sharing all of this? Because after 25 years in the digital space, I deeply appreciate how easy SquareSpace has made owning, operating and marketing a digital presence. I think any small business can be highly competitive with a little time and focus.


Eric Berrios